Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pictures coming soon...

This year, we tested out Jessie's idea of handing out business cards to people who take pictures of us. So far, we have quite a few "fan" photos from Red Hat Lady night, but I haven't gotten any from Oates Night or Sweatband Overload. As soon as I get all STBE 2011 pictures, I'll post some sort of slideshow here and on the STBE website.

I'm already looking forward to STBE 2012 - The Plaza just fancied itself up, so we may have to go test it out!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day Three: Cabanas and Sweatbands

Since we didn't get TOO out of control on Oates night, we were able to make it to the pool at an early-for-Vegas 11am. Ryan and Stephen, drunk with poker winnings, decided to reserve a cabana for us. It was so classy and exclusive!!! We even got to go to the adult pool, for which there is normally a $20 per person cover charge (included with the cabana fee).

When Mike and I arrived, we found Ryan and Stephen sunning themselves in front of the cabana. We walked inside and found a mini-fridge with a cheese plate and four bottles of water and a flat screen TV. We quickly got ourselves suntan lotioned up and hung out with the boys until the rest of our group got to the pool. A few of us hit the waterslide leading to the kids' pool (well, the pool that kids are allowed in). We thought we might stay down there for a bit and watch the sharks until some little hellions started splashing us with water. We all looked at each other and said, " pool?" On our way out, Kat and I splashed each other repeatedly to teach the kids a lesson. Or because we're immature. Probably a little of both. Nah, we're just immature.

EDIT: How did I forget to leave out the story Ryan and Stephen told us about the grown-up area? When they were deciding to rent the cabana the day before, they walked around the area to see if it was worth it. There's an area reserved for topless tanning (or as we would call it, "terplerss terning") and the boys witnessed a klassie laydee straddling her boyfriend (a kind assumption). Then they realized that they were witnessing full penetration! We surmised that since she was clearly a lady, she didn't remove her bottoms, she just pulled the crotch of her bikini bottom to the side. And the guy just stuck his wiener through the wienerhole of his swimsuit. The boys objected to my use of the word wienerhole and said I should call it a fly. I objected to use of the word fly because it's not the same in swimsuits. It's totally a wienerhole!

Anyhoo, we made our way up and hit the adult pool. Once we got in, we realized that we were allowed to drink in the pool and ordered up some buckets of beer. We also spotted lots of leathery old ladies wearing bikinis. Our favorite adult pool-goer was a dude wearing a shoulder shirt. It was this bright yellow t-shirt that basically only covered his shoulders. Since Kat will do anything we tell her, we had her go ask him where he got that awesomeness.

After a lengthy conversation with her new friend, she swam over and happily reported that he told her all about how she could find the shirt on It's apparently a sun-shirt made to protect the skin from the sun. He also proudly told her that he hemmed it himself because his shoulders always get burned. This guy, by the way, was SUPER tan. He was sunning his nips all day. I guess the shirt also at one point (before hemming) said, "there's no such thing as a safe tan." So what is the rest of his body? And his wife/girlfriend was really leathery. Loose, leathery skin doesn't scream "safe tan," but whatever.

Anyhoo, he later cheered us on in a chugging contest in the pool. We, by the way, drank a LOT in the pool, so I may be forgetting a lot of details. We seriously got in the pool and did not get out for like five hours. I'm freckled and burned on my shoulders. If only I had a sweet shoulder shirt!!!

Anyhoo, after our pool excursion, half the crew left. Jose and Ashley had spent the day on the strip researching wedding venues, so they met up with Mike, Kat, and me for sweatband overload. Kat really had a hankerin' for Sonic, so we all got in our outfits and piled into her sweet ride.

Looks like my plane's about to board, so I'll finish this up from the comfort of my own bed when I get home. Thanks for reading so far!

And I'm back home! But still too tired to keep up with the recapping duties for the night. I did add a story about the boning section of the cabana area, and you may or may not find out tomorrow which one of our revelers likes to "slide it to the side and get on the ride." Oh wait, you won't. I'll finish these up later. Thanks for reading!

OK, I'm back again. Let's see if I can give you a decent recap of night three with the Fab Five. After Sonic, we got dropped Kat's car off with the valet. The guys working the valet stand thought we looked hilarious and suggested we go to "an 80s bar." It was called "Insert Here" or "Insert Coin" or something. We had seen it on our ill-fated trip to the Atomic Liquor Store the day before and passed it up.

We thought it sounded like a good idea, so we made our way down Fremont Street. On the way there at one of the stages, some slut (we couldn't really figure out the purpose of the random dancing slut playing music off a laptop) was blasting Party Rock. Naturally, we had to stop and shuffle. I was molested by some grossbag, so I let Kat and Mike finish up shuffling while I moved behind a safe shield of Jose and Ashley. Kat and Mike joined back up with us and we continued shuffling while a bunch more people shuffled through our circle. It was a sight to see, I'm sure.

Anyhoo, we kept moving and made it to the alleged 80s bar. We had all made drinks in the room, so we stood outside to finish them before going in. When we got in, it looked pretty cool, but I wouldn't really describe it as 80s. There were old school arcade games, that's for sure, but that (to me, anyway) was where the 80s ended. The drinks were overpriced for what it was (it's in the Fremont East District - an area they're trying to revive, but it's still the ghetto), and the DJ wasn't all that great. For one, he refused to play Party Rock!!!

We still had fun, though. We ordered a couple of buckets of beer and were the only people on the dancefloor for the entire time we were there. People seemed to enjoy us, but for the most part, they all sat at the bar or on benches looking bored. It was weird. They also played weird cartoons on flat screen TVs throughout the place. It was weird, but we had fun acting like fools.

After we had tired of that place, we headed back to the Fremont Street Experience determined to do some more shuffling. Mike is really good at it, Kat just loves shuffling, and I kind of look like I'm running in place.

Anyhoo, we decided to go to the Vue Bar (which we all pronounce VOOBAR) at the Fitz since it's right above "the experience" and drinks are cheap. We had $2 Tecates before Jose discovered they had $1 PBRs. We all chatted, but still heard no Party Rock. So every so often, Ashley would whip out the phone and play it so we could shuffle.

Oh, I forgot to mention that on our way in, Mike and I were jumping and kicking to the delight of tourists on the street. Right before we walked inside, Mike jumped and kicked, but then fell. Jose was the only one who saw it, but we decided that he must have bounced right up, because the second we heard, "Mike fell!!!" we looked and he was already up dancing.

OK, back to the Vue Bar...we had gotten our fill and decided to gamble a bit, so we walked into the Fremont. Ashley hilariously asked, "Where's the Fremont?" as we were walking right in front of the giant FREMONT sign. I guess we decided we didn't want to stay in there very long, so we decided to gamble back at the Nugget. At some point, Mike got really drunk even though we all drank the same amount. Like, he was fine, then he was just super drunk. We didn't realize it at first, and started yelling, "pussay! pussay! pussay!" at him for wanting to go to bed. Then we were petting him and trying to convince him to stay in high pitched voices.

When we got to the Nugget, we realized that he was super trashed, so Ashley walked him upstairs while Kat, Jose, and I stayed behind to play some slots. I won $20 on a Yahtzee penny slot and $50 on a Wheel of Fortune nickel slot. I was then convinced to play the worst penny slot ever: Dirty Dancing. I quickly lost my $20 and decided I was done gambling since I would now be leaving ahead.

Kat was determined to lose money, though, so she headed over to a roulette table with Jose. None of us were getting free cocktails at the slots (or tables), so Ashley and I went to a bar and ordered drinks. Do not ever order an amaretto sour at the Nug. It was horrible! The sweet and sour mix was totally overpowering, and even when the bartender (who was like, "oh yeah, the mix is awful" but didn't think to stop me from ordering the drink) gave me an extra shot of amaretto to pour into the drink, it was still awful. Finally, he gave me some 7-Up to cut the sour taste. I gave that one to Kat and Ashley gave Jose a beer.

When we got there, Kat had just finished losing $50. Not satisfied with that kind of loss, she put her remaining $40 on red...and lost. Jose had also been paying back the hotels of Vegas for his seemingly decades-long winning streak, so we all called it a night.

The next morning, we all convened in my room and headed out for lunch at a place called Raising Cane's Chicken Strips. It was no Chick Fil-A, but it was pretty good. Kat still wanted to go out gambling, but Mike and I had flights to catch, so I told her to go to a casino and throw the keys to her stationwagon on red. Then we all had a laugh imagining her towing a matching stationwagon back home.

We also threw her football drink container around the parking lot while she rearranged her luggage. Everyone was ready but Ashley. She looked open, but when I threw it to her, it hit her in the chest and the lid blew off. A hilarious black lady was driving by and was all, "that's fucked up! She wasn't even ready! You gotta have your antennas up the whole time!!!" Then we all repeated it in our Tyler Perry accents and went to Hell.

After having another good laugh, we all hugged goodbye and Jose and Ashley took me and Mike to the airport. We all flipped off Kat as we drove off yelling, "Stratosphere, bitch!"

And that was STBE, probably missing lots of details. Next time, you'll have to go so you won't miss out!

Day Two (continued): Oates Night!!!

We all out on our 80s best along with some sweet, sweet (and very low quality) mustaches and curly brown wigs and headed out to a fancy dinner at Anthony Roma's (a place for ribs). A couple of Oates went in to put our name down and we were given lucky number 69!

There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere. "Ten Oates walk into a Tony Roma's..."

Anyhoo, we gambled for a bit during our 30+ minute wait (they obviously didn't know we were celebrities) and people (as they do) gawked at us and posed for pictures with us in the casino. We had to keep explaining that we were Oates, not traveling Borats. Or greasy Italians. Or creeps. Or child molesters. Or Horatio Sanz. OK, so maybe Oates Night wasn't completely thought-out.

Anyhoo, after dinner, we headed out into the masses of Fremont Street and found the 80s butt rock cover band Arena at the end by Golden Gate. We fist pumped the night away and again posed for what seemed like several thousand pictures with strangers.

On the way to see Arena, we stopped by La Bayou so Kat could get a giant football of daiquiri. While in there, some European travelers thought we were Borat. They picked Stephen as their favorite and happily reported, "I have my peecture weeth Borat!!!" Did you know that the official name of the Borat wig/mustache combo Kim bought is called "European traveler"?

I think this also might have been the night that Kat was so deucefaced that she wanted French toast at 2 in the morning. (Slurred) "Do you know what would be AMAZING right now? ... French toast. Where can I get French toast? Is there a place I can get French toast around here?"

I don't think we gambled a whole lot on Oates Night since we were planning an "early" day at the pool the next day. By early, we mean 11am. That'll be another post.

So yeah, I know that doesn't sound very exciting, but you kind of have to experience an STBE theme night to fully appreciate it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

STBE - Day far

We started off with champagne brunch at Main Street Station where we stayed and gambled for a while. After that, we headed out to Atomic Liquor Store, an AWESOME dive bar. When we got there, we learned that it closed down. After taking a few pictures to memorialize it (check my twitter), we went to the Western, which contrary to my drunken ramblings last year, is not the bestern.

We walked in and it smelled like poop. It was gross and dirty and full of "mountain people" and crack whores (seriously). The slot machines paid out actual pennies instead of tickets. We each drank a dollar beer, then half of us took off to watch the "fountains of Bellagio" while a few brave souls stayed behind for the $3 black jack.

We have been talking in a really exaggerated Tyler Perry accent all day that makes us sound like the Swedish Chef. Right now, we're getting ready for Oates night. Eff Hall! It's all about Oates!!! (clap clap)

Day One: Red Hat Ladies

Mike and I arrived separately at the airport before noon. Ashley and Jose were picking us up and still outside of town, so we sidled up at the bar at Jose Cuervo's Tequileria and had a few drinks. I had already had two beers on the plane because they said my coupons would no longer be honored after September 1. I had no choice!

Ashley and Jose arrived about a half an hour later and we made a beer run to get trashcan lemonade ingredients (Select 55 and frozen pink lemonade concentrate). We checked into the hotel at around 12:30 and began mixing the trashcan cocktail in our hotel room's trashcan (hence the name, duh).

After drinking for a while, we took off to become Dollar Menunaires and soon began getting texts from arriving revelers. Kat arrived first, then Kim, followed by Ryan and Stephen. Jessie had some flight issues, but made it in at around 6.

We gambled for a bit, then convened at 9 to change into our red hat finest. All I can say is it was out of control! Jessie was smart enough to have business cards made so we could get some of the pictures we were posing for back.

Some of my tweets didn't make it to facebook, so here's a link to my twitter feed to catch up.

This is a really bad recap of what happened, so hopefully my tweets from last night will help fill in some of the blanks.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fisrt post of the weekend!!!

Mike and I are chillin' at Jose Cuervo's Tequileria at the Las Vegas airport getting deucefaced!

I had two beers on the plane within 15 minutes, so I was already slightly deucefaced. Mike enjoyed a double margarita at the bar, and I joined him and ordered a big ass Bud Light (naturally).

Maybe we should retrieve our bags from baggage claim...

Friday, August 19, 2011

tomorrow's the big day!!!

Stephen and Ryan are in Vegas keeping it warm for us. The big crew arrives tomorrow! I limited the guest list a bit this year. While the large group (I think we had 15 last year, 18 at one point) was a lot of fun, the smaller group (10) might be a little more manageable.

The bag's all loaded up with ridiculous outfits and ready to go!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

theme night shopping tips

We're getting closer to STBE 2011, so hopefully you've all had time to shop around for your theme night outfits. Kim and I went out today and got some sweet outfits. I got a new Red Hat Lady outfit, a totally rad Oates getup, and lots and lots of sweatbands for Sweatband Overload night.

The previous post is a good reference point if you're not familiar with what Oates wears. Red Hat Ladies can get away with just about anything as long as it involves purple as the main color and red accents. Sweatband Overload is just that: lots of sweatbands. Mike and I also think knee high striped tube socks are a must to complete that look.

We were able to find parts for all of our outfits at thrift stores, KMart, and Joanne Fabrics. We also hit up Party City, but the mustaches hadn't been put out yet (they moved everything to set up for Halloween). EBAY is also a good option if you don't have time to go out.

Happy shopping!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


If for whatever reason, you have no idea what to do for Oates Night, here are some hott looks.


Why did someone color us in with chalk?

I look so tough.

I guess I'll pose for a picture with you.

Why is his hand in my pocket?

M'yeah, we're Hall & Oates.

I can't go for that. No can do.

Psssst! I just peed in Hall's coffee.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

third theme - official solicitation for ideas

Hey all!

We have two kick a themes chosen already, and they will be on Sat/Sun night. We need a third theme, but since we're usually tired by night three, we want something easy and comfortable.

Now, last year at a drunken champagne brunch, Ryan came up with an awesome idea (that would also double for our commemorative STBE shirts): Black Family Reunion. All it requires is a t-shirt. Some people say we will get killed. I say, "our last name is Black...duh...and shame on you for suggesting otherwise!" Do we want this to be our theme? Just throw these shirts on? Or do we have other ideas?

Some ideas I have:
Extreme Couponers (make it
Bad Celebrity Impersonators (I'm reasonably famous actress Kathleen Turner)
90s R&B Singing Group (think the Dick in a Box guys...or TLC)
Tacky Tourists
Retired Strippers

Friday, July 1, 2011

STBE Hotel!!!

Mike and I have decided to once again stay at the Golden Nugget. We're grown-ups now, so a grown-up hotel is where we're staying!

Check out the sweet pool, complete with shark tank in the middle:

In other news: we're still trying to come up with a third theme night. No real ideas yet, but I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

STBE '11!!!

Hey everyone!

Planning has begin for the 10th Anniversary of STBE! I know what you're thinking: "Wasn't last year the 10th Anniversary?" No! It was the 10th Annual. 10 years ago, we went to Vegas and started a tradition that has grown every year.

I've been a little slow to update the website because my work schedule is pretty hectic, but I did manage to get the front page updated. I plan on working on it some more this weekend, and I'll be sure to keep you all updated. So mark your calendars; the dates have been set!

WARNING: my birthday is on Monday this year, so be prepared to stay through Tuesday.