Thursday, August 21, 2008

Iiiiiiiiiiiin the City of Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!

You know what the first siiiiiiiiiin is? The airport bars are all closed! How am I supposed to get started whilst waiting for Biiiiiiiiinh's plane to arrive?

In other news, Gabe is rolling into Vegas as we speak and will be arriving to pick me and Binh up post-haste! Ooooooow!

STBE '08!!!

Oh, don't forget to say Happy Birthday to Mike!!!


taylormcclish said...

Happy birthday, Mike.
(Thought yours was the 23rd for some reason.)

I'll wait until the blog post today to formally wish Ginger a happy bday.

evan_austin said...

happy times, siiiiiiinners! wish we were there...seriously. *shakes fist* damn baby, pickin' on me! have twelve drinks for me (oh, and a couple for yourselves, if you must). also, moon someone.