Sunday, May 25, 2014

OK, so maybe the dates aren't set

The boys have their hiking trip. Stay tuned for updates. Nothing is final until the evite goes out.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

I went ahead and posted dates on

Someone had to make an executive decision.

STBE 2014 is September 26-29, 2014 (Friday-Monday).

Now it's time to argue about theme nights.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

STBE 2014 dates (we're trying!)

Due to some scheduling conflicts for some people and an unusually long hiring process for a job I'm in the running for, we're having a hard time nailing down dates. It's either going to be really early or really late this year. I'm personally leaning toward late so people can have more time to plan.

Please feel free to chime in if you see this post.